Monday, September 23, 2013

The Educator’s Guide to Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons

Pin It The Educator’s Guide to Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Thank You

Pin It Thanks to my new friends from Montessori and Elliott City for joining me yesterday for my workshop!

I hope to see you all again. Your nice comments were very much appreciated!
Please check out my Phonics section from time to time for goodies. I am always working on new things!
Take care and happy teaching:)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Walking in the Hall

Pin It The cute little poem, Marshmallow Toes, can be a fun activity to start the year off with quiet students walking in the hall. Don't forget to count the words in each line. Read it together. Bring in mini-marshmallows and have the children drop them on the floor listening for sound. I asked them to listen to the marshmallow as I threw it down on the floor. We discussed how and why they needed to be quiet in the hallways. They can either trace their feet (this is what I do-it encourages them to work together) and add marshamallows or you can use a printed version. Have fun!

Select for Poem and Activity

Mocha the therapy dog is back in school

Pin It She was missed! She missed them too!

Wonder Jar

Pin It The Goal: To create enthusiasm for learning new things.
The Solution: The Wonder Jar
The students write questions that they have and place them into the wonder jar. Each week, we pick a question and research the answer.