Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Google Translate

Pin It Use this app on your iPad to help students hear what they have written.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Visual Literacy

Pin It Help children think critically by discussing illustrations. Ask questions and encourage them to ask questions.  illustrations, graphs, charts, any visual drawing that conveys information deserves a second look.

Check out the website: Wonderopolis http://wonderopolis.org/  You won't be disappointed!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Pin It Socrative!  I'm going to attempt to use this for my next presentation in 2 weeks. Hopefully the teachers will be as excited as the students are to be actively engaged in answering questions:)

Fun Ways To Practice Spelling

Pin It -Type your words into the box on this page -> hit Create mp3 -> listen and download the computer reading you your words! Even MORE fun if you type in silly sentences with your words! 

-Spelling Bingo

-Now that the weather is warmer, use a paintbrush outside.

-Use ImageChef 



-I LOVE this one: Tagxedo

Saturday, April 6, 2013

My Study Bar

Pin It I know I have blogged about this before, but I thought it needed another mention. I have been using Mystudybar with students working on the novel, Animal Farm. Everything is in one place so that the student soes not need to go between applications and there is a color filter which is beneficial to some of the students.

Take a look here:


Pin It Thinglink is a great way to help students of all ages study or review important content, demonstrate their knowledge, and use as a resource for homework.

Check out my friend, MathyCathy's, Thinklinks here: